Aku tak nak orang panggil aku sayang.
Aku tak nak orang pegang tangan aku.
Aku tak nak orang sentuh aku.
Boleh tak.
Ade tak.
Aku tak nak.
I just want
someone who really care about me.
Someone who doesn’t love me
falling in love with me.
Someone who can accept me entirely
Without critic
Without insulting
Without humiliating
I just want
Someone who standing beside me
Give me strength
Smiling deeply from the bottom of his heart.
Its enough to show your love
through your words
through your eyes
through your attitude
towards me.
Someone who respect
His parents
His siblings
His friend
His neighbour
Or whoever close to him.
Someone handsome ofcourse
Inside and outside.
Damn hard to find that kind.
Just hope to see you soon.
Sebenarnye aku tak suke orang yang good looking ni.
Sebab mereka sering dikaitkan dengan fenomena
curang terhadap pasangan.
Whatever it takes,
I’ll accept whatever comes next.
How choosy i am.
No wonder la kalau ade orang kate
aku ni bajet macam tuan puteri gunung ledang.
tuan puteri serabut semedang.